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Thread: Antweight World Series 44 - Brize Norton, Oxfordshire

  1. #11
    Sign ups will be open until 10pm the night before, so you're good for a while

  2. #12
    That's all good then, cheers!

    Going to try and get something together on the ant side of things soon now, set of hacked servos and a lifter should do the trick, hopefully. Hopefully being the operative word there... Need to try and find some cheap servos to hack first but should be fine after that!

  3. #13
    You can get micro servos on eBay for next to nothing Matt, I doubt I'll get an ant done for this event but will hopefully have the overhead bar spinner beetle

  4. #14
    Yeah, there's a pack of 4 for 12 quid I've seen which looks alright - just need to know how to hack them without messing up! I'm sure it'll get there eventually, but still...

    Overhead beetle spinner will be epic too, that thing will be crazy with that size of bar!

  5. #15
    I'm sure there's things on the internet about how to do it, there is for just about everything else.

    It will hopefully be good, might end up breaking itself quite often but it will look damn good doing it!

  6. #16
    I've been eyeballing this event for a while now, and just looked up the prices for an airline ticket (amsterdam-cambridge/cambridge-amsterdam) and if I were to book tickets for that day. It would cost me 1400 euro's minimum and just 130 euro's if I were to return home the next day.

    So my question is, would anyone more local be willing to offer me his/her couch for the saturday night?

  7. #17
    I think I made a mistake in searching the closest by airport.
    Looks like London is a better option.

  8. #18
    Hey Niels

    You're more than welcome at my place, and it's not too far for me to pick you up from Gatwick or Heathrow if you want me to?

  9. #19
    That would be brilliant, many thanks in advance.

    I'll PM you later on when I'm ready to make the final travel arrangements.

  10. #20
    Travel arrangements have been made, please sign me up for one beetle.

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