The Hedgehog wheezes as it exhales some cigar smoke
"I am a senior Beaurocratocmancer here... As for Dr Seben? Never met the man personally, but he was a pain for our organization - the Psy-corps have long been trying to steal our secrets, and Seben himself was often the instigator of these crusades. They see themselves as havign the right to everyone elses knowledge - it took us a long time to develop the shield that protects the contents of this building from copyright infusion."

Your search for angelic armour found the following result:

Armour of the Word of Gods An elaborate set of armour fashioned from Angelic scriptures and containing some the essence of the Divine itself. While it provides no protection from physical attacks whatsoever, the wearer is utterly immune to any sort of magical attack up to 14th degree magic.

AURELIA has 6/7 searches and 3/3 choices remaining.