Welcome to the Shackled Bot Championships, this tournament is gonna be like none youve never seen before, as both
bots in the match competing will be chained together, if you have watched WWE or wrestling, you'll know this as the
Texas Bullrope match, the aim of the game is to touch the four CPZ's (using the RW's arena for this) before the bot you
are battling does, you can kick the tar out of them to do it, or just go for it if you have enough traction, the chain can
also be used as a weapon to tie up your opponents. This is gonna be a LW and HW tournament. I need 8 people for this
tournament to enter 2 robots, one for each of the weight categories.

EDIT: almost forgot about the rest of the rules, here they are
From the start, both bots will have a chain attached to their tops (Or backs if they have sufficient room for it in there)
they start the match back-to-back and once activate (or KILL!!!! as i like to say) is sounded, both bots take off from
the center and try to win the match. For clusterbots, they have to be chained together AT ALL TIMES!!. FBS are also
allowed but at your own risk

EDIT EDIT: Another rule change, after some help from the others, each corner will have a pit switch tyre, it will go red
once youve hit it, if your opponent hits it, it goes green (Was gonna be blue, but i like green ) The aim of the game
now is to hit all 4 corners and turn them your colour whilst protecting your already hit switches

Looking forward to this.... HAPPY SMASHING!

After 3 edits and a lot of consulting, i think this should do it